Reference Guide to Choosing Microphones for Instruments
This guide offers quick insights into choosing microphones for drums and various instruments. It will be regularly updated with new tips and alternative microphone options. Please note that you are free to use any microphone you have or wish to try—there are no strict rules. However, be mindful that some microphones may not handle high sound pressure levels (SPL). The microphones recommended in this guide are commonly employed by top engineers in the recording industry.

For recording vocals, the go-to classics include the Neumann U47, U67, Telefunken 251, AKG C12.
Michael Jackson’s iconic vocals were captured using the venerable Shure SM7 in the studio, while the lead singer of Red Hot Chili Peppers, Anthony Kiedis, employed an SM7B.
Billy Joel was using a Beyerdynamic M160 dynamic ribbon, Bono a Shure SM57 or a SM58.
The choice of microphone depends on the artist’s vocal type and the space the vocals need to take in the overall recording. It’s crucial to remember that microphones can and should be used to balance and focus the sound of the recorded audio source, acting like an EQ.
Drum kit
Drums and each of its components.
If the microphones have pads, it is recommended to use them to protect the microphone circuit and prevent distortion.
For OVERHEADS microphones (ideally used in a matched pair), the Neumann KM84 (The abbreviation KM stands for Kleine Mikrofon, which is German for ‘small microphone’ and describes the size of both the diaphragm and amplifier body.) or its nemesis, the AKG C451, are excellent choices. These small diaphragm cardioid condenser microphones work well for capturing overheads, as well as hi-hats and rides.
Alternatively, you could use the Warm Audio WA-84 as a more affordable and quieter (less noise) option. Using these small diaphragm condenser microphones can result in a tighter overhead image, especially if you’re dealing with a lot of room reflections.
For a larger sound picture that covers the whole kit, large diaphragm cardioid condenser microphones such as the Neumann U67 or U87, AKG C414 are recommended. Again, it’s advised to use the pad with these microphones.
Some also like to use ribbon microphones for capturing overheads, like the very popular Coles 4038. They will give a warmer (less highs), smoother sound.
Put them equidistant from the snare, and not from the kick drum. The kick drum is mostly cut from the mix with a high-pass filter, and low frequencies tend to be less apparent when you have phase incoherence.
Depending on where the overhead microphones are placed, different amounts of cymbals and snare can be captured. Placing them forward on the kit can result in more cymbals, while placing them more backward can produce a more overall sound with less emphasis on cymbals.
For the top of the snare, the Shure SM57 is the most commonly used microphone. You can also add a small diaphragm condenser, such as the AKG C451 or Neumann KM-84, next to it and blend the two signals. The AKG 414 can also be an interesting option for capturing the top of the snare.
For the bottom of the snare, the Shure SM57 is again a popular choice, but the Sennheiser 441 is also an iconic microphone for this purpose. A ribbon microphone on the lower side can also work well if it’s pointed towards the kick drum with the figure-8 pattern, which helps reduce hi-hat bleed.
To avoid phase cancellation between the top and bottom microphones, make sure the capsules are not pointing straight at each other. They should be at a 90-degree angle to minimize phasing issues, but you may still need to flip the phase on the bottom microphone. Keep an eye out for the bottom end of the sound disappearing when the two microphones are not phase coherent.
Inside the kick: Shure B52 (Beta 52A) or AKG D12 (or newer D112), in the hole, but placed farther out if you don’t want too much beater sound.
Ken Scott, in the past, used an AKG D20, a vintage dynamic mic. He now uses an EV (Electro-Voice) RE20 dynamic microphone, which is also very popular for bass drum recording. He tends to use it completely inside the kick, close and pointing at the beater for that extra attack.
Outside of the kick: Neumann U47 FET (check out United Studio UT FET 47), placed about 2 inches from the head and adjusted for phase.
Employ the ‘NS10 speaker‘ trick as a microphone for enhancing low frequencies, or alternatively, opt for a purpose-built Yamaha Subkick.
In distant front of the kick (a couple of feet away), for M/S capture, use a Beyerdynamic M160 (Hypercardioid) with a Beyer M130 (Figure-8) ribbon mic or the AEA R88 stereo ribbon microphone.

KM-84, WA-84 or AKG C451 (all condenser mics).
Dynamic mics are a great choice for toms. They sound warm, punchy, and they have a slightly reduced high-frequency response that helps control bleed from the crash cymbals. However, condenser mics can also be an option.
Sennheiser 421 (dynamic) – The older models sound better, especially those with the silver ring. The newer ones may be a bit too bright. They have a nice midrange.
Shure SM57, SM58 (dynamic) – These may work fine, but they might lack a bit of low end. They have a nice midrange.
Warm Audio 47JR (FET condenser) – Similar to the Neumann U47 FET (FET instead of a tube).
AKG C414 XLS (multi-pattern condenser) – The silver ones (XLS) have a darker sound and don’t have a bump at 5.5k like the gold ones (XLII).
Neumann U87 (condenser, cardioid pattern, pad engaged) – This is Ken Scott’s preferred mic for toms.
AKG D19 – Used in the past for recording Ringo’s drum kit (The Beatles) and Pink Floyd.
KM-84, WA-84 or AKG C451 (all condenser mics).

Acoustic Instruments
- AKG C414 – for a darker sound.
- Warm Audio 251 – for a brighter sound (similar to the Telefunken 251).
- WA-84 (KM-84), C414, WA-251, Ribbon…
- Neumann U67 – Positioned 4-5 feet above the instrument.
- The Coles 4038 ribbon mic can be more forgiving on harshness if you need to be closer to the sound source.
Electric Instruments
It’s a good idea to have a close mic to capture the distortion and high-end from the speaker cabinet and another one further back to capture the overall bass sound and some growl.
For example, an Electro-Voice RE20 can be placed 1 inch away from the speaker, just outside the dust cap, while a Neumann U47 FET or a Neumann U87 can be placed 8-10 feet away from the speaker cabinet.
The Shure SM57 is a classic choice. A Sennheiser 421 is also great, and blending in a ribbon mic can add warmth and depth.